All posts tagged: Mind


Need a bit of a pep talk? Life is getting a little out of control? We have all been there, having your ah-ha moment is the first step to getting back on track. Getting back to basics, culling those habits that need vanquishing and cultivating those that need a little kick start is your next step. Simplification my friends. It sounds simple, but watch out, simplicity can be quite the trickster! One of the first items on my list when I am determined to declutter my life and mind is to take on the digital world – yep, online cleanse! For although all things digital can seem like they are making our lives easier (helllooooo online shopping!) it can quite quickly become overwhelming and clutter our heads and home environment. So let the cleanse begin… HAVE LESS. I have a particular love of the Minimalists, Maria Kondo and her Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. If you are like me and have an unfortunate habit of collecting large amounts of dust trapping, knickknacks, magazines and …


curate2 kjʊ(ə)ˈreɪt/ verb past tense: curated; past participle: curate To select, organize, and look after the items in (a collection or exhibition). When I realised that I had to get real and get myself and my life together it sparked a whole lot of thinking. As far as I could see, the problem was that I was all over the place in every aspect of my life. The problem was that nothing was broken so I didn’t look at anything too closely. Bank account? Noooooo, I didn’t want to check that – I knew that my latest trip to Karen Walker made me want to avoid that baby for a while. Sort out what I had on that week? I was pretty sure I had double booked myself multiple days, so I was going to ignore that until it was almost on top of me. You get the picture, and that was just scratching the surface! An idea that kept niggling at the corner of my mind was why I had so much cr@p in …


I love to share the nuggets that I have stumbled upon whilst getting my hot mess self into order. I have obsessively consumed everything that I could on goals, habits, challenges, obstacles and most importantly success. To be very clear, I am not interested in success as a whole. I wanted to really dig deep to work out what my success was. What did I want to set out to achieve (and not what others considered successful!) and then how do I go about achieving it? Like many things in life. It is important to know that nothing is a quick fix. It is about a mind shift and making conscious decisions. Which lets be honest, you are already on your way if you are reading this! Here are 5 things that I have learnt to reset myself… 1. START THE DAY LIKE YOU MEAN IT How you wake up in the morning determines how the rest of your day will go. Think about the mornings where you sleep through the alarm, your race out of …

MINDFULNESS: Enjoy some calm

Sat in bold black writing on my goal list is to learn how to meditate. It’s always sounded like something I should do, but I don’t know how to. Those that meditate seem to belong to a very select and zen group that are absolutely in the “know”. It is always in the health mag’s and in my favourite blogs that proclaim (and rather loudly!) that it’s really freakin’ brilliant. They say you can’t know the peace/awareness/contentment until you do it. My brain drives me mental. I have a very busy mind and one that is quite happy to have races with itself, just around 3am! “We are what we think, having become what we thought,” – Dhammapada, ancient Buddhist text   State of mind. Pretty big subject that. Especially considering that the mind is both the problem and the solution (love that saying). It is not fixed, it is fluid. The idea that we can change how and what we think is something that fascinates me but then the thought of setting by myself with the silence …