All posts tagged: Technology

WELLBEING: 10 Ten Ways To Deepen Your Sleep

When you think about the basics of wellness, sleep is always one of the top on the list.  Getting enough sleep can stop you from making poor choices, keep your energy levels up and your general happiness levels where they should be. Seems simple right? Not at all. Sleep is absolutely essential but also one of the most easily disrupted. I used to be one of those that was absolutely convinced that I needed very little sleep. Ah, one of the lucky few that could operate on a few hours, function and function pretty well! Just as well really. I was also one of the many that had mild insomnia! How. Wrong. I. Was. The problem that I had was I couldn’t remember how I felt on a full tank of sleep. How much easier I coped with general every day problems and how much quicker my problem solving skills were. I hadn’t realised that my moods fluctuated and my levels of optimism had dramatically dropped. Oh, then there was that energy thing! It really …

MINDFULNESS: Enjoy some calm

Sat in bold black writing on my goal list is to learn how to meditate. It’s always sounded like something I should do, but I don’t know how to. Those that meditate seem to belong to a very select and zen group that are absolutely in the “know”. It is always in the health mag’s and in my favourite blogs that proclaim (and rather loudly!) that it’s really freakin’ brilliant. They say you can’t know the peace/awareness/contentment until you do it. My brain drives me mental. I have a very busy mind and one that is quite happy to have races with itself, just around 3am! “We are what we think, having become what we thought,” – Dhammapada, ancient Buddhist text   State of mind. Pretty big subject that. Especially considering that the mind is both the problem and the solution (love that saying). It is not fixed, it is fluid. The idea that we can change how and what we think is something that fascinates me but then the thought of setting by myself with the silence …