All posts tagged: SIMPLIFY


Need a bit of a pep talk? Life is getting a little out of control? We have all been there, having your ah-ha moment is the first step to getting back on track. Getting back to basics, culling those habits that need vanquishing and cultivating those that need a little kick start is your next step. Simplification my friends. It sounds simple, but watch out, simplicity can be quite the trickster! One of the first items on my list when I am determined to declutter my life and mind is to take on the digital world – yep, online cleanse! For although all things digital can seem like they are making our lives easier (helllooooo online shopping!) it can quite quickly become overwhelming and clutter our heads and home environment. So let the cleanse begin… HAVE LESS. I have a particular love of the Minimalists, Maria Kondo and her Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. If you are like me and have an unfortunate habit of collecting large amounts of dust trapping, knickknacks, magazines and …


Hey friend, feeling a little stuck and low? Living day by day but not really achieving anything that you want to? Does ground hog day feel like a reality? Fear not! Here are some pre-sleep hacks that you can put into place to help you towards achieving your goals tomorrow (just don’t put them off until tomorrow!) 1: CREATE A BEDTIME RITUAL This is the biggy. It is a final line between a rebellion and claiming that your evenings are ‘you’ time. For you self-confessed night owls (I will happily own this title myself!), refusing to go to bed at a reasonable time because of the time that you dedicate to others, you really aren’t doing yourself any favours. Trust me. As much as we search for freedom our minds often search for routine. By setting up even the most basic evening routine can set you up for success the next day, here are some ritual suggestions: – Consciously set the time you will go to bed. If you know you need eight hours of …


Are you addicted to your phone? Does it make you anxious if you and your precious are parted? What about when you have a moment of down time, do you whip out your device to avoid those terrifying seconds of nothing-ness???? As you read this, do your hands feel clammy at the mere thought of your precious not being with you at all times? Ok, I will stop but you get my point. The real question here, it’s time to put that smart phone away and to remember what it’s like to be in the real world? When you think bad habits and addictions have you ever considered what the impact your digital consumption is having on your life? I want you to think about how the constant notifications make you feel. What about when you are with your friends or family, do you spend more time considering how insta-worthy that moment is instead of being in it? Is the very first thing you do when you wake or go to bed a social media …