Month: April 2017


“There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.” — Albert Einstein   These days it is pretty hard to avoid the topic of gratitude. You know that it is one of those things you should focus on, but when you’re in the midst of a melt-down, work hustle or just the daily grind it can be easily overlooked. But did you know that gratitude affects your success? Yup, it’s a bit more interesting now isn’t it! Here are a few major ways gratitude and success are connected. Gratitude Shifts Your Focus Like attracts like. This may all seem a little airy to some of you, but stay with me, it is worth it – I promise. Have you ever noticed that the more you focus on the negatives around you like like obstacles or setbacks that you have, the more problems seem to surface and consume your time? You may have slept through your alarm becoming late …


Need a bit of a pep talk? Life is getting a little out of control? We have all been there, having your ah-ha moment is the first step to getting back on track. Getting back to basics, culling those habits that need vanquishing and cultivating those that need a little kick start is your next step. Simplification my friends. It sounds simple, but watch out, simplicity can be quite the trickster! One of the first items on my list when I am determined to declutter my life and mind is to take on the digital world – yep, online cleanse! For although all things digital can seem like they are making our lives easier (helllooooo online shopping!) it can quite quickly become overwhelming and clutter our heads and home environment. So let the cleanse begin… HAVE LESS. I have a particular love of the Minimalists, Maria Kondo and her Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up. If you are like me and have an unfortunate habit of collecting large amounts of dust trapping, knickknacks, magazines and …


Do you ever find that when one or two things are going really well in your life then there is always something that isn’t? You’re in a relationship that makes your heart sing but your job… let’s not go there. Perhaps your your career is starting to fly, you can already see the bright lights, but all your nearest and dearest are starting to drag you down… Friend, this is no coincidence and it often happens because we are focusing all of our energy on one or two areas of our lives and give very little thought to the areas that we are neglecting. All is not lost though. If you spend a little time on working out what is lacking in your life, you can start to reallocate your time to the things that really matter to you. Today, I am going to introduce you to the “Business Analysis” you can perform on yourself! This can be a really powerful tool you can use to take charge of your life and get you back …


Hey friend, feeling a little stuck and low? Living day by day but not really achieving anything that you want to? Does ground hog day feel like a reality? Fear not! Here are some pre-sleep hacks that you can put into place to help you towards achieving your goals tomorrow (just don’t put them off until tomorrow!) 1: CREATE A BEDTIME RITUAL This is the biggy. It is a final line between a rebellion and claiming that your evenings are ‘you’ time. For you self-confessed night owls (I will happily own this title myself!), refusing to go to bed at a reasonable time because of the time that you dedicate to others, you really aren’t doing yourself any favours. Trust me. As much as we search for freedom our minds often search for routine. By setting up even the most basic evening routine can set you up for success the next day, here are some ritual suggestions: – Consciously set the time you will go to bed. If you know you need eight hours of …


We all have those moments when we realise that we are no where near where we thought we would be. Those New Year pledges that you were going to smash out are now a distant, faded memory. It’s not your fault, you just didn’t have the time to fit it all in!  Sound familiar? Why is that? I am guessing that for most, the prospect of actually getting kick started on these grand plans seemed just way to big to even contemplate. I mean, there were just too many things getting in the way. Time, well, there is just not enough of it. You are constantly short of time. You never have time for the things that really matter to you. Just getting your way through that endless to-do list of basic life admin has you swallowed up. Even worse. Your mind is so full of meaningless little things that you have no space to spark your imagination? You wish that you had the time to think about passion projects, family or goals but really your …