All posts tagged: Stress


One of my pet hates is (insert wail) “There are just not enough hours in a day and it stresses me out!!!”. Before you get mad and tell me just how busy you are being busy, just give me a minute to explain. If you never give your life a mental stock take then it will easily run out of control. This is what I will keep going on about here on Conscious Me. You have to stay on top of your life! Yes it is admin-y work. No, it isn’t as fun as hitting the sofa with a Friends re-run. It is your life though. How important is it to you really? I get it, with work life often bleeding into our personal lives we are faced with a barrage of emails, meetings, phone calls, voice messages, family, friends, life admin – the list goes on. We are all just so busyyyyyy! You tell yourself that you have to take it all on. Sheer frustration may drive you to keep adding more to your …


IT’S THE MINI MELTDOWN BEFORE THE GREAT BIG MELTDOWN! So, you know there is a problem but you can’t quite put your finger on it. You know that you are not ‘burnt-out’. That is pretty bad and usually fairly spectacular. You come to work, you do pretty good too – but not great. You generally feel tired and lethargic. Overwhelmingly, you feel unhappy… Does this sound familiar? You are not alone in this. In fact, this reaction to work has started to become so common that it has been given a name – BROWNOUT.  Brownout, is a term which is used to describe part of the life stage of an electrical power outage and is the stage before a black out. Put into simple terms, if you consider burnout like the flu, then brownout is like the common cold – they both have similar symptoms but brownout is the less vicious. You still go to work, but your heart just isn’t in it. You still talk to friends and family but you start to retreat …


Stress is an unpleasant reality for most of us. Whenever things start to feel out of control the stress will dial up. The more that you try to ignore it the worse it gets. So, my first tip  – don’t stick your head in the sand because it will not go away. Learning ways to cope with your stress and how to get yourself together to lower your stress levels is one of the most valuable things that you can do in life. For me, over commitment and finances were two of my major stress buttons.  Yep, agreeing to things I either didn’t want to do or knew I couldn’t but didn’t want to disappoint would lead to many sleepless nights. Then there were those, it-was-in-sale-I-had-to-have-it (and I basically saved money it was so discounted!) moments when I KNEW I couldn’t really afford my purchase. The problem was I really deserved it. Plus, because it was on sale it would go soon. Then I would have non-purchase regret. Can you see the problem? Anyway, regardless …

WELLBEING: Stress and Everything You Need To Know!

We have all experienced stress. It is one of the most common afflictions in our very fast and very modern world. This topic is especially top of mind for me, as I am doing my best to stay grounded with a swirl of projects, changes, holidays and nearing the end of year – these things are all tugging me in a million different ways. It doesn’t take long before my body starts to feel the effects of the crazier, faster pace of life and the energy swirling through. I don’t feel overtly stressed, as thankfully long walks with the pug and mindful eating along with cutting out unhealthy choices are helping me manage it all as well as some very determined conscious thinking with gratitude! It doesn’t always go so well though. Often we try to tell ourselves that we are not stressed out (after all, other people have it so much worse. I should just be grateful!) and so therefore don’t recognise the early stages and how we could manage it to ward off the …